Part 2: Building a GraphQL API with Prisma

Table of contents


In this article, you’ll learn how to integrate Prisma and MongoDB into your GraphQL API.

This article is the last section of a 2 part series, you can check out part 1 here.

Debrief on Part 1 of the series:

  1. Cloned the frontend Next.js template.
  2. Set up the project with GraphQL, GraphQL request, Prisma, GraphQL Yoga, and MongoDB.
  3. Built GraphQL queries and mutations using dummy data from JSON files.
  4. Changed the frontend to fetch data from our GraphQL API.

You can pick up where Part 1 leaves off:

git clone --branch part-1-complete
yarn install

Prisma Setup

0. MongoDB initialization

Create a new project in MongoDB. You’ll need its database URL for Prisma.

If you’re not familiar with the process, you can follow this guide:

1. Installation

Install Prisma as a dev dependency:

yarn add prisma -D

When the installation is done, .env and prisma/schema.prisma files will be created. Otherwise, you should add them manually.

In the .env file, add your MongoDB database URL to a DATABASE_URL variable.


In the prisma folder, the schema.prisma file should have the code below:

generator client 
  provider = "prisma-client-js"

datasource db {
  provider = "mongodb"
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

Ensure the database provider is “mongodb”.

2. Define your database models

Your application will have 2 collections in your MongoDB database: Task and Tag.

Update the schema.prisma file with the necessary models:

generator client {
  provider = "prisma-client-js"

datasource db {
  provider = "mongodb"
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

model Task {
  id          String  @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
  description String
  complete    Boolean
  tag         Tag     @relation(fields: [tagId], references: [id])
  tagId       String  @db.ObjectId

model Tag {
  id    String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
  name  String @unique
  tasks Task[]

3. Generate Prisma Client

For us to interact programmatically with your database, you need to install the Prisma Client.

yarn add @prisma/client

The install automatically invokes prisma generate that reads your Prisma schema and generates a Prisma Client custom made for your database models.

Remember to manually run prisma generate when you make any future changes to your Prisma schema.

Prisma Client also generates custom types from your schema.prisma file. You can replace the types imported from utils/types.ts file with types from Prisma Client.

import type { Task, Tag } from "@prisma/client";

Click here to read further on Prisma setup with MongoDB.

Tweaking the GraphQL Resolvers

From Part 1 article of this series, your graphql.ts file probably looks like this:

import { createServer } from '@graphql-yoga/node'
import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next'
import tasks_data from "../../utils/tasks.json"
import tags_data from "../../utils/tags.json"
import { tagProps, taskProps } from '../../utils/types'

const server = createServer<{
  req: NextApiRequest
  res: NextApiResponse
  schema: {
    typeDefs: /* GraphQL */ `
		 type Tag{
        id:    String! 
        name:  String!
        tasks: [Task]

      type Task {
        id:         String!
        description: String!
        complete:    Boolean!
        tag: Tag

      type Query {
        getAllTags :[Tag!]!
        getTaskByID(id:String!) : Task

      type Mutation {
        addTask(description:String!, tagName :String!):Task!
        updateTask(id:String!, description:String, complete: Boolean, tagName: String!):Task!

    resolvers: {
        id: (parent: tagProps) =>,
        name: (parent: tagProps) =>,
        tasks: (parent: any) => {
          return{ id, description, complete }: taskProps) => ({
            id, description, complete

        id: (parent: taskProps) =>,
        description: (parent: taskProps) => parent.description,
        complete: (parent: taskProps) => parent.complete,
        tag: (parent: any) => ({

      Query: {
        getAllTasks: () => tasks_data,
        getAllTags: () => tags_data,
        getTaskByID: (id: string) => {
          return tasks_data.filter((task) => { return (task['id'] == id); })

      Mutation: {
        addTask: (parent: unknown, args: { description: string; tagName: string }) => {
          const newTask = {
            id: "5",
            description: args.description,
            complete: false,
            tag: {
              id: "10",
              name: args.tagName
          return newTask;

        updateTask: (parent: unknown, args: { id: string, description: string, complete: boolean, tagName: string }) => {
          const updateTask = tasks_data.find(i => ===

          if (updateTask) {
            updateTask.description = args.description
            updateTask.complete = args.complete
   = args.tagName

            return updateTask
          throw new Error('Id not found');

        deleteTask: (parent: unknown, args: { id: string }) => {
          const idx = tasks_data.findIndex(i => ===

          if (idx !== -1) {
            tasks_data.splice(idx, 1)

          throw new Error('Id not found');

export default server

Since you are integrating Prisma into your GraphQL API, you’ll use CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update and Delete) with your Prisma Client API. All your Prisma Client queries will be written in the resolvers.

Import PrismaClient and instantiate it in your graphql.ts file.

import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'

const prisma = new PrismaClient()

1. Queries


This query uses [findMany]( to get all tasks. You should add [include]( because you’re making query with a related record - Tag.

resolvers: {
	//(...other resolvers)

	Query: {
	  getAllTasks: async () => {
	    return await prisma.task.findMany({
	      include: {
	        tag: true


This query is slightly similar to the previous one.

resolvers: {
	//(...other resolvers)

	Query: {
	  getAllTasks: (...)

		getAllTags: async () => {
      return await prisma.tag.findMany({
        include: {
          tasks: true


This query retrieves one task by it’s id using [findUnique](

resolvers: {
	//(...other resolvers)

	Query: {
	  getAllTasks: (...)
		getAllTags: (...)

		getTaskByID: async (_, args: { id: string }) => {
      return await prisma.task.findUnique({
        where: {
        include: {
          tag: true

2. Mutations


This mutation creates a new task with the specified description and tag name. It utilizes [connectOrCreate]( query to check if a tag name exists. If it’s unavailable in the database, it’ll create a new tag record.

resolvers: {
	//(...other resolvers)

	Mutation: {
	 addTask: async (parent: unknown, args: { description: string; tagName: string }) => {
	    const newTask = await prisma.task.create({
	      data: {
	        description: args.description,
	        complete: false,
	        tag: {
	          connectOrCreate: {
	            where: {
	              name: args.tagName
	            }, create: {
	              name: args.tagName
	      }, include: {
	        tag: true
	    return newTask;


This mutation updates the task that matches the passed id. It can change the task description, completion, or tag name.

resolvers: {
	//(...other resolvers)

	Mutation: {
	  addTask: (...)

		updateTask: async (parent: unknown, args: { id: string, description: string, complete: boolean, tagName: string }) => {
	    const updateTask = await prisma.task.update({
        where: {
        data: {
          description: args.description,
          complete: args.complete,
          tag: {
            connectOrCreate: {
              where: {
                name: args.tagName
              }, create: {
                name: args.tagName
        include: {
          tag: true
      return updateTask;


This mutation deletes the task that matches the argument id.

resolvers: {
	//(...other resolvers)

	Mutation: {
	  addTask: (...),

		updateTask: (...),

		deleteTask: async (parent: unknown, args: { id: string }) => {
      const deleteTask = await prisma.task.delete({
        where: {
        include: {
          tag: true
      return deleteTask;

At this point, your graphql.ts file should look something close to this.

import { createServer } from '@graphql-yoga/node'
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'
import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next'

const prisma = new PrismaClient()

const server = createServer<{
  req: NextApiRequest
  res: NextApiResponse
  schema: {
    typeDefs: /* GraphQL */ `
      type Task {
        id:         String!
        description: String!
        complete:    Boolean!
        tag: Tag

      type Tag{
        id:    String! 
        name:  String!
        tasks: [Task]
      type Query {
        getAllTags :[Tag!]!
        getTaskByID(id:String!) : Task

      type Mutation {
        addTask(description:String!, tagName :String!):Task!
        updateTask(id:String!, description:String, complete: Boolean, tagName: String!):Task!

    resolvers: {
        id: (parent: Tag) =>,
        name: (parent: Tag) =>,
        //fix type
        tasks: (parent: any) => {
          return{ id, description, complete }: Task) => ({
            id, description, complete

        id: (parent: Task) =>,
        description: (parent: Task) => parent.description,
        complete: (parent: Task) => parent.complete,
        tag: (parent: any) => ({

      Query: {
        getAllTasks: async () => {
          return await prisma.task.findMany({
            include: {
              tag: true

        getAllTags: async () => {
          return await prisma.tag.findMany({
            include: {
              tasks: true

        getTaskByID: async (_, args: { id: string }) => {
          return await prisma.task.findUnique({
            where: {
            include: {
              tag: true

      Mutation: {
        addTask: async (parent: unknown, args: { description: string; tagName: string }) => {
          const newTask = await prisma.task.create({
            data: {
              description: args.description,
              complete: false,
              tag: {
                connectOrCreate: {
                  where: {
                    name: args.tagName
                  }, create: {
                    name: args.tagName
            }, include: {
              tag: true
          return newTask;

        updateTask: async (parent: unknown, args: { id: string, description: string, complete: boolean, tagName: string }) => {
          const updateTask = await prisma.task.update({
            where: {
            data: {
              description: args.description,
              complete: args.complete,
              tag: {
                connectOrCreate: {
                  where: {
                    name: args.tagName
                  }, create: {
                    name: args.tagName
            include: {
              tag: true
          return updateTask;

        deleteTask: async (parent: unknown, args: { id: string }) => {
          const deleteTask = await prisma.task.delete({
            where: {
            include: {
              tag: true
          return deleteTask;

export default server

Testing your GraphQL API

1. Prisma Studio

One of the perks of using Prisma is being able to leverage Prisma Studio - a visual editor for the data in your database. But first things first, you’ll have to push your Prisma schema state to the database.

Run this command on your terminal.

prisma db push

If you view your MongoDB project, there should see 2 collections - Tag and Task.

To be able to manipulate your data from Prisma Studio, run this command in your terminal:

npx prisma studio

You will be redirected to http://localhost:5555/ in your browser. You can manually add records into your database from Prisma Studio. Saving the changes you make will sync your data to MongoDB.


Alternatives to using Prisma Studio:

2. Yoga GraphiQL Playground


You can also add query variables for any mutations or queries that require arguments:


3. Your Next.js Frontend

In Part 1 of this series, you connected the frontend to the server already. It should work fine at this point.


You can find the complete To-Do List code on GitHub.

Wrapping Up 🎉

Pat yourself on the back for reaching this far. Feel free to add new features to the frontend and make it your own. You’re just getting started.

Also, check out these resources that really helped me get it:

Sonia Lomo

© 2024 Sonia Lomo

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